Marius Huza - Branding & Marketing

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Brand value comes from perception - not brand resources

If we look at the list with most valuable brands, we discover that the value of a brand is not mandatory linked with the resources and marketing budgets of that organisation.

Brand value / reputation is the customer perception.
How valuable is the brand in the mind of the customer.

So, this is equal with the perceived value, from the experience he has with the brand.

Is not influenced just by the money invested in marketing, or the assets of the brand.

For example, Patagonia is on the first place of this list and British Petroleum is on the last places.

If we compare the assets and marketing budgets of Patagonia with BP, is a big difference of resources, which is not manifested in the value of the brand.

#patagonia #britishpetroleum #sony #netflix #adidas #LG #apple #microsoft #uber #samsung #toyota #nike #honda #amazon #ebay
#brandvalue #brandreputation #branding #marketing #bestbrands #assets#brandstrategy #customerexperience #customersatisfaction