Case study
strategic branding
The challenge and context
You can find details about their current business on their website here.
When we created the brand, it was a job platform.
Even though the business model has partially changed since then, the brand remains valid.
The challenge was to differentiate ourselves through the overall brand, not just the products or services.
Essentially, we needed to attract candidates and recruiters / companies more through what we offered as a brand / long-term perspective, compensating for the initially weaker quantitative offering of jobs and candidates.
We entered a highly stable and competitive market, with competitors like eJobs, Bestjobs, and Hipo.
They had an edge primarily due to their established presence, a multitude of registered companies, candidates, and a high volume of job postings.
We decided to focus on quality and specialization, rather than quantity and a more generalized offering.
This choice was made to introduce something new and to compensate the lack of budgets, required for addressing a larger and more general market.
So, we needed to have as a general brand offering:
1. A user-friendly platform, that is technically superior to the competition, streamlining user efforts, especially for recruiters.
2. High-quality and specialized content, offering interesting job opportunities for candidates.
Attracting qualified candidates, to provide a strong offering for recruiters.
3. Consistent branding and marketing elements:
website design and user experience
backend functionality of the platform
content on social media
associations with influential personalities on the blog
inspirational content for both candidates and recruiters
promotion of company job listings on social media.
this was something new in that time, helping companies to reach candidates on social media with targeted campaigns.
Brand strategy
An innovative and customized experience for both job seekers and recruiters.
Our target were clients who were seeking something different and couldn't find it in the market at that time.
What we did specifically to implement the strategy
Creative, direct, and modern marketing that resonated with your target audience, referred to as "smartdreamers"
Constantly seeking user feedback to gauge satisfaction and make improvements
Conducting interviews with industry professionals to inspire both candidates and recruiters
Innovative methods to promote employer branding and job listings for companies, recognizing that the most valuable candidates may not actively seek jobs
Highlighting companies with unique organizational cultures and distinctive offices
Establishing a less formal interaction with candidates and recruiters, using a relatable tone and maintaining closeness
Balancing human interaction and digital experiences
Ensuring a seamless experience before and after the product acquisition, with sales and customer support teams playing a significant role in conveying the brand message
Aligning sales and customer support team members with the Creator archetype to evoke enthusiasm, creativity, proactivity, and innovation
A highly transparent About Us page, to foster a genuine connection between the customer's archetype and the brand's identity.
The strategy aimed to create a holistic and engaging experience, that aligned with the brand's values and resonated with your target audience's preferences and aspirations.